Vortex Brush Chipper in Stewartsville, NJ

When performing tree chipping, you need the best tools to do the job right. The Vortex Brush Chipper provides the level of performance you expect and need to make all your landscaping and tree care jobs easier and more efficient. Here are the reasons why the Vortex is the right tool for the job.

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When you buy a brush chipper, you’re looking for a precise tool designed to make your job easier, and the Vortex V12 does exactly that. Here’s how.

1. Wide Openings: When dealing with trees, you want your chipper to have as wide an opening as possible. With the Vortex’s wide opening you can easily process more debris and offers more space which can reduce the chance of clogs and other issues.

2. Throwing Power: The Vortex V12 can toss chips farther and faster than other options. With its maximum cutting speed and far throwing distance, the V12 allows you to do the job faster and with less mess.

3. The Patented VORTEX® Chamber: This unique design is one of the key features that set the Vortex V12 apart from the competition. The chamber makes use of airflow and high rates of speed to create a performance that can’t be beaten.

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4. Reverse Pivot Feed System: The reverse pivot feed system uses the Vortex’s unique design and gravity to process heavier debris, such as branches, without the need for you to clear blockages or trim the branches before processing.

5. The “No-Pocket” Drum: the Vortex was the first drum chipper to innovate a no-pocket design. This design improves upon chip flow after cutting and removes the need for a pocket to carry them. This speeds up the entire chipping process and creates optimum performance. In addition, the no-pocket design makes for a sturdier overall machine.

6. Torque Usage: When using a brush chipper, metrics related to performance are an important consideration. When it comes to horsepower, bigger numbers may be impressive, but the true test of a chipper’s quality is how it uses its horsepower. The Vortex’s unique design isolates the chipping and throwing processes allowing each step to use the best horsepower and torque for superior performance.

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